
Logistic company

VTEM skitter
VTEM skitter
VTEM skitter
VTEM skitter

Transportation of Agricultural Raw Materials and Derivative Products

Provision of transportation services to agricultural enterprises including the transportation of agricultural raw materials and derivative products in universal railway cars, railroad tanks and high-capacity containers is a strategically significant trend in our activity.

Transport and logistics operator Cargo Russia offers transportation services for the following agricultural products:

Wheat, rye, peas, flax seeds, buckwheat, corn, rapeseed, barley, feed oats, sunflowers, flour, meal, presscake, fertilizers etc.

Transportation technologies at our disposal enable us to transport:

  • Packed/prepacked goods
  • bulk cargo with the use of adry liner
  • liquid cargo with the use of a flexitank

How to order cargo transportation by rail:

  • Call us in Tallinn: +372 56231949 or leave your request on our website
  • Provide our specialists with the following information: departure station, destination station, exact cargo name or standard transportation commodity code (Classes of Transport Rates or HS of tariff nomenclature), batch weight and volume and packing / packaging method.
  • Our experts will calculate the cost of a rolling stock and a railway tariff, the cost of railway car equipment, the cost of provision / cleaning, the cost ofloading and unloading works, as well as delivery time.
  • You can order a "door to door" delivery or just a rail transportation.
  • Our services include customs clearance of your cargo, execution of quarantine certificates, veterinary certificates and transport documents (PG-12 and CMR notes)
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