
Logistic company

VTEM skitter
VTEM skitter
VTEM skitter
VTEM skitter


Delivery of Consolidated Cargo by Rail

Railroad transport takes one of the leading places in cargo transportation in the whole world. Using special-purpose cars allows to deliver any kind of cargo: liquid, granular, combustible, dangerous or requiring special temperature conditions.

Transport and logistic operator “Cargo Russia” offers services on transportation of consolidated cargo by railroad. This allows a reasonable, safe and quick cargo delivery to any point that has a railway system.

To order a cargo transportation by railroad:

  • Call us in Tallinn: +372 56231949 or leave your request on our website
  • Provide our specialist with cargo characteristics and the route of delivery
  • Our specialist will calculate the price of cargo delivery and adjust the delivery date and additional conditions
  • You can order a “door-to-door” delivery or only a rail transportation
  • Our services include doing all the paperwork, including customs services
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